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Fasting with the Cronometer App

updated april 2023

Fasting Feature Now Improved

We’ve made some exciting changes to our intermittent fasting feature, available to all Cronometer Gold users. We’ve polished the UI and made it easier to start, stop, schedule and edit your fasts.

You also now have the choice to display the fasting widget from your Discover tab or your Diary screen, or both! Head into More > Targets > Fasting on the mobile app or More > Fasting on the web app or watch the video below to take a look at what’s new. 

For more detailed instructions, check out our user manual for the mobile app and the web app.

originally released nov 2019

Fasting with Cronometer is Here!

We are so excited to announce Cronometer has a new intermittent fasting feature available to all of our Gold Subscribers!

This new feature allows you to:

  • Log your fasts
  • Have your current fast available on the Diary Header
  • View a history of your fasts
  • Schedule future fasts
  • Add comments particular to your fast; how did it go, was there hurdles, do you feel great?
  • Chart your fasts against other nutrients and biometrics to identify trends.

Check it out today!

Are you a free user who wants to give this feature a test-drive? Shoot us an email to support@cronometer.com and we will hook you up with a trial!

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